Monthly Archives: January 2014
1.17 More Beginnings
Here’s the terrifying part. Forget pain reduction. We’re on our own if something goes wrong. I’m on my own. Jesse knows some military field medicine, and I’m grateful for that, but it isn’t going to help if things go badly wrong. Plus, he’s so freaked out, I’m not sure he remembers his own name. I’d … Continue reading
1.16 Unconditional
I can’t say my pregnancy was a huge surprise. Of course, I couldn’t have known when it would happen, but Jesse and I haven’t exactly been taking precautions. Still, I broke the news to him with no idea how he would react. Wow. I guess he’s happy about it. I’m not sure, but I think … Continue reading
1.15 Simple Gifts
Now that Samuel is more comfortable in our camp, he has started exploring all over the island by himself. He made one really startling discovery. People must have lived here at some time, long ago. Perhaps prospectors? The structure could is clearly decades old and might even be as old as a century. What it … Continue reading